When It's Time to Replace Your Windows
Hire a General Contractor in Wilmington, MA to Repair or Replace Your Windows!
The best time of year to replace your windows is generally Spring through Fall, although window replacements have been done in the dead of Winter, but we at Skillville don't really recommend that unless you want to run your heat during the day of install. With that being said, now is the time to replace your windows. Here are some reasons why.1) Lowering Your Energy Bills
Another key area which helps lower your energy bills is replacing your windows. Believe it or not, old or non-working, inefficient windows can contribute to about 30% of your energy bills, both heating and cooling. If you've lived in your house for a while already, you might be saying to yourself right now, "But we just replaced our windows! We don't need new windows." That may or may not be true. Windows, if properly maintained, are meant to last for 20 years, but it isn't uncommon that they last for 15 or even 10 years. Again, we are also shocked to find how many homes do not have properly insulated windows. Over time, the gas between the glass dissipates and no longer works. This is the opportune time to replace your windows.
2) Add Curb Appeal
Windows are now manufactured in many styles and colors at a relatively reasonable price. There are windows for every kind of house. Adding grilles to the pane of your windows can really make your New England home look wonderful. Before, wood was used and multiple panes, but now vinyl grilles are placed in between the 2 panes, making cleaning very simple.
3) Newer Window Models Are Easier To Clean
Are you finding it harder and harder to clean your windows? If so, you probably have an outdated design. Today's windows are much more ergonomic and easier to clean. You can even have your common double hung windows swing into your house for easy cleaning — that's right — both of them!
Be sure to visit our website for more information on how we can be your general contractor serving Wilmington, MA and surrounding areas. And as always, stay safe!
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